Monday, March 29, 2004

Etiquette for spa goers

Okay I really didn't want to have to do this but honestly if I don't rant here I may have to just explode. If any of you, dear readers, plan on going to any "spa related" establishments - please take in consideration the advice below before looking like a complete jackass.

1. Please do not yell at the person behind the counter because you have freed up 30 minutes in your precious schedule to treat yourself to a manicure and cannot be accommodated. You didn't make an appointment and other people have. You wouldn't believe what grown women are reduced to when they are told they cannot get a manicure appointment right this minute. Below is a typical conversation:

Woman: Hi, can I get a quick manicure?

Me: Oh, I'm sorry...we don't have anyone available right now but I could fit you in in about 30 minutes.

Woman: Really? It's just a manicure. What about a pedicure? Can I get a pedicure?

Me: Well..... Unfortunately, we only have three girls working and they are all doing treatments right now.

Women (voice is raised): Well, I don't have time to come back!

Me: I'm really very sorry. I just don't have anyone to give you a manicure or a pedicure at this minute but I can do both in 30 minutes.

Woman: Fine. (walks out and slams door)

2. Most of these women who scrub your feet, clean underneath your nails and rub the kinks out of your back work for tips. If you are happy with your treatment, it is generally customary to tip 15-20% of the cost of your service. So, if you get your legs waxed, a Brazilian wax, a pedicure and a manicure and you loved it - $5.00 isn't the best tip. It sucks.

3. No one wants to touch a dirty person. If you are going for a massage - shower beforehand. If you are getting a manicure - wash your hands before they start the work.

4. If you aren't happy with the service you've received - talk to the manager. You will,most likely, receive a free treatment or a refund if you aren't happy. Yelling at the person until they break down into tears isn't going to get you anywhere.

5. Turn off your damn cellphone. No one wants to hear about your personal life while they are trying to relax.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Typepad and sites now banned in China

The Chinese Central government has banned all typepad sites and sites in China. Apparently the government in China is sick of all the anti-government writing on blogs and have decided to shut down blog servers within the country. Check out Yan at Glutter to read about it all and experience her frustration and anger.

link via How was your day, Dan?

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Taiwan Elections

I've been trying to follow what had been happening in the Taiwan elections through grandma's satellite TV. Unfortunately, I haven't really been able to follow the threads of what has been happening due to my lack of Chinese comprehension and my grandmother's bad pidgin English translation. Luckily, I've been able to piece together what I've been seeing on TV with A Better Tomorrow's site and some online new sources. I may not agree to Lien being called a twat by Wayne(twat? Could we have slung ANY other insult?!) ...but it's not entirely too harsh - frankly he could have just filed for a recount and been a better man. Instead, he got his supporters into a frenzy and began protests which were angry and violent in some areas of Taiwan. It's getting late here so I'll have to pick up on the latest in the morning.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Whitney in Rehab

Well, thankfully it's finally happened. I have to admit - I will miss all the Whitney crackhead jokes (especially a great impression by Kyan in one particular episode of Queer Eye).

Friday, March 12, 2004

Support for Spain

Instapundit has an address for the Spanish Embassy to send flowers to express sympathy and support.

Link Via Young Curmudgeon

Thursday, March 11, 2004

80's Latin Pop Band Holding Auditions

I was trying to find something funny to say about this but it just depresses me. Haven't we moved past the 80's nostalgia all ready? And do we really need another crap boy band?

On the other hand, Lance Bass probably needs a gig. Maybe he can dye his hair and learn enough Spanish to relaunch his career.

Via Daily Chord


I've been thinking about my mother a lot lately. It's almost the two year death anniversary of her death. It's still very surreal to me because my life is all ready so different and some days it feels like a million years ago. Of course, on other days it only feels like yesterday.

My mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer in December of 2000. My mother was, to state is simply, a workaholic. This meant that seeing a doctor was reserved for occasions like car accidents and severed limbs. She casually mentioned to me one night around Christmas that she had been having some problems and she finally saw a doctor about it. What she didn't mention was that she had been having these problems for about three months before she decided to see a doctor. But he found something and it was diagnosed as cancer. But she was going to do the radiation and chemotherapy and she was going to be fine. I took her word on it and just wrapped myself up in my life. She started chemotherapy and she told me how it made her feel and I tried to spend a little more time with her. She was postive she was going to get through it. So positive that she refused to even talk about what would happen if she didn't. I would ask where she kept some general documents I might need if something happened to her and she'd immedately get defensive and say "What you think I'm going to die, right?"

Around his time two years ago, my mother was beginning to lose her battle with cancer. She had all ready went through two rounds of chemotherapy with no positive results. She continued to work at her job all through her chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She actually didn't stop working until she became to weak to even leave her bed which was only two months before she finally passed away.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Homeownership woes

The Good News: I spoke to my boss at the nail spa today and I do not have to pay for the damaged tools. She somehow had them repaired.

The Bad News: I had a yoga class today and decided to take a long relaxing bath when I got home. When I was done - I released the drain and almost immediately heard my grandmother screaming downstairs. I thought she hurt herself and I ran downstairs half naked. She wasn't hurt but her ceiling was leaking - VERY BADLY. This wouldn't have made me feel so bad had I not fixed the plumbing in the bathroom twice all ready in the past year. I also think my neighbor might have caught a look at me topless through the window.

Luckily my lovely friend and her equally as lovely husband came over to take a look at the bathroom. While they were unable to fix the problem - they did make me feel much better.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Pandas attack New York City (and Washington DC)

And I thought a guy walking his cat around Central Park was weird - this is very strange and I wish I had seen it in person. (Link via girlnewyork and Gothamist )

Of course I forgot to mention the public art that will follow the Cow Parade and the little known Horse of a Different Color (that was all over Long Island at some point) - New York is now getting apples as public art and D.C. will be getting pandas. I know New York is the "Big Apple" and all - but I like the pandas. (Link via Gothamist)

Today sucks

Well, at least I'm one step ahead of everyone else on one thing.

I'm really upset today because I left work without taking tools out of a sterilizing bath at the nail spa- therefore ruining $1000.00 worth of tools. So now, I have to pay for tools that I cannot afford and my day is starting out in considerable debt.

Link via little. yellow. different

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Happy Birthday Grandma

My Grandmother is turning 82 this weekend. Can you even fathom turning eighty two year's old?

Unfortunately, my grandmother's history is muddled to me. My mother released drips and drabs of her story to me but I never had a clear idea of the real story. What I do know is that my grandmother was born in 1922 in Taichung, Taiwan and that because she was a girl - she was given to another family as a girl to learn to be a seamstress. Other than that, I know that she married my grandfather and had five children with him.

When I was born my grandmother came to the United States to help my mother raise me. My mother was the oldest and the first to begin a family. Since then she's only left for a couple of years to live with my uncles for a while but she didn't get along with her daughter-in-law's - so she returned to stay with us.

For thirty years my grandmother has lived in the United States - far before Asian communities started to form in the outer regions of New York. She has a more active social life in her eighties than she's had for years. And frankly, she looks damn good for a woman in her eighties.

So, what is the secret? My grandmother is still strong and active in her eighties. My mother passed away in her early fifties. Hopefully as I start to learn Chinese she can pass on her "ancient Chinese secrets".

My boyfriend and I will be having a cake on Sunday to celebrate another year for my grandmother. And the little adult day care center will have a party with all the other Chinese oldsters on Monday. Grandma and her little friends at the Day Care Center have been having little rumbles with the segregated Caucasian seniors. The other day grandma came home with a Polaroid of her and a friend with their arms around one another - I noticed another person scratched out in the background. When I asked my grandmother about the scratched out person she replied "No good. No Like." Now THAT is what I love about my grandmother.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Lovely Day

The past couple of days have been absolutely lovely in the city and I am seeing the signs of spring all over the city. Lighter jackets, people eating outside and smiles everywhere.

I've been working at a nail spa two days a week to earn a little bit of money so that I don't have a nervous breakdown about not earning an income while I go to school for massage therapy. I never realized the amount of preening a woman can go through to prepare for spring.

And before I forget - On Sunday I saw an amazing exhibit at the Metropolitian Museum of Art. and afterward my boyfriend and I strolled through Central Park enjoying the weather. We saw some guy walking his cat around the Great Lawn. It was just really weird to see.
