Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Is it my imagination or are all dealers named "angel"?

So I came across this post today on Gawker and thought about a funny story from my past.
I used to work at a music management office - the guy who owned the company was a total legend in the business - which usually means that the guy was a total weirdo. He had a couple of people that were total wack jobs that shouldn't be holding a normal job - but he liked them - so he wouldn't fire them even if it made the entire office miserable.

So there was this one gal who had a SEVERE drug problem. She would call her "boyfriend" Angel and then suddenly decide that she wanted to go for a jog that very minute and bolt out of the office. She would then return a half hour later, completely covered in sweat and with very dilated pupils. She would strip down in the lobby of the building (it was a converted townhouse) and change into some clothes in the closet -which were usually the dried sweaty clothes from yesterday. There was also a time that she wet her pants (I kid you not) and she wisely decided to let her urine soaked panties dry on the radiator in the office - then making the entire building reek of heated urine.

She never got fired - one day she went on one of her infamous runs and decided not to come back.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger SohoSally said...

Wow,that sounds like an old boss of mine. He used to help a "student" with his work. The student would come in to the office and anyone in the room would have to leave. Then in about 20 seconds, just long enough for merch to change hands, the student would leave.

Electronics from the office, like laptop computers and video cameras, started getting lost" by him and his wife. That was another clue."


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