Now that no one reads my blog.....
I'll update you on the chaos that is my life and explain why I haven't been posting at all.Grandma (if you don't know what a character my grandma is - look in some random posts in my archives) has been having issues since June or July of last year. Her symptoms: painful headaches. I took her to multiple doctor visits during June, July, August and September until the doctor finally poked around in her mouth for a second and said it's probably her teeth. At this point my Grandmother reveals that she isn't seeing the dentist at her day care program anymore because he wanted to take out some of her teeth. Great.
So, then it's up to me to find a good dentist for my grandmother - that also speaks enough Chinese to let her know what is going on with her teeth. Fortunately, my dentist, DR W., speaks enough Mandarin to explain what he's doing (he's the greatest dentist). Grandma gets a tooth extracted and all is suppossed to be well. But it's not - STILL. And she refused to see Dr W. again because he cost too much money.
I had to get a cat-scan to rule out anything that may be going on in her head. All good and back to square one- the headaches continue. She finally got one of her buddies at the day care program to recommend their dentist - who doesn't speak ANY Chinese - and I brought her there last week. Apparently, more than one tooth was infected the first time around so she has to get another tooth extracted.
Between a loaded school schedule, worries over $$ and grandma's health - I've been mentally exausted - so I'll try to pick up again after grandma loses another tooth.
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