Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Get a fucking babysitter

I am still amazed by the retardedness of some human beings I encounter during my day.

I work at a high end nail spa - there are people in here all the time getting treatments and TRYING TO RELAX. Why then would you think bringing in your annoying two year old with you while you get your pedicure would be a good idea. I understand the whole"well I was just passing by and I didn't have time to drop her off at home" excuse - but can't you figure out that most people are here to escape the stresses of the normal day. So your screaming, shrieking brat is not fun or cute. In fact it is stressing me out and now people are shooting me dirty looks about your child. And don't you think that bringing your kid into the waxing room with you while you get a bikini wax done is just future therapy appointments for your little one?


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