The origins of Lucky Blossom

So I haven't been blogging that much about my new puppy....Probably because I've been out buying her cute leashes, harnesses, coats, dresses and bags. I am obsessed with all these dog accessories! I even considered getting the dog a manicure today. What is wrong with me?
How did I get the cutest puppy in the world? Well, it's a LONG story. Apparently when our puppy was being born - there were some complications with her the owner just went on in and tried to pull the puppy out of the birth canal by her front leg. In doing this she broke the pup's right front elbow. The owner only had "show dogs" and a "broken" puppy was of no use to her so she brought it to her vet to be euthanized. A vet tech at that animal hospital took her and brought it to her sister, another vet tech, who works at the Animal Medical Center in NYC. I guess they took sympathy on this poor puppy who was an amazing dog other than her bum leg. The hospital took the puppy in and performed various surgeries to fuse her elbow. Then sister (the 2nd vet tech) took the puppy in while she recovered. She wanted to find a better home for the pup because she had small children that may be too rough with the puppy. My friend overheard a story about the dog and how it needed a home and volunteered her services. I snatched up the puppy from said friend and it's been perfect ever since. So - now I have an adorable, fluffy puppy who is slightly edgy with her gangsta lean.
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